Selected publications

Work in progress 

Media & popular presentations

·       Walker, B., A.-S. CrépinM. Nyström, et al. (2023): Response diversity as a sustainability strategyNature Sustainability.

·       Levin, S.A., et al. (2021): Governance in the Face of Extreme Events: Lessons from Evolutionary Processes for Structuring Interventions, and the Need to Go Beyond, Ecosystems.

·       Nyborg, K. (2020): No Man is an Island: Social Coordination and the Environment, Environmental and Resource Economics, 76(1), 177-193.

·       Carlsen, B., J.T. Lind, K. Nyborg (2020): Why physicians are lousy gatekeepers: Sicklisting decisions when patients have private information on symptoms, Health Economics, early online April 13, 2020.

·       Barrett, S., A. Dasgupta, P. Dasgupta, et al. (2020): Social dimensions of fertility behavior and consumption patterns in the Anthropocene, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, .

·       Asheim, G.B., T. Fæhn, K. Nyborg, M. Greaker, C. Hagem, B. Harstad, M.O. Hoel, D. Lund, K.E. Rosendahl (2019): The Case for a Supply-Side Climate Treaty, Science 365 (6451), 325-327 (https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aax5011).

·       Lind, J.T., A. Pauls, K. Nyborg (2019): Save the Planet or Close Your Eyes? Testing Strategic Ignorance in a Charity Context, Ecological Economics 161, 9-19.

·       Hauge, K.E., K.A. Brekke, K. Nyborg, J.T. Lind (2018): Sustaining cooperation through self-sorting: The good, the bad, and the conditional, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 116 (12), 5299-5304.